
Danger is the keyword on highways

Manufacturers try to detect and evaluate any possible danger on a car. Speed and type of accidents are interpreted for each model. No driver has the same reactions when an accident happens. Some are wise while others are slow to respond. An highway driver can be implicated in a lot of situations and manufacturers try to lower the risk of fatal injuries.

Who are the real dangers:

Someone who takes to much risk on the road, who is too speedy for the type of road and maximum speed limit imposed. The worst cases I've seen are all in the context of a cell phone. The driver is so much invoved into conversation that he has his mind half way on the road and the other half far away. They do bad moves or last second driving corrections. When you see how fast trafic is moving today, this is no surprise some juridictions try to put some restrictions on the use of cell phone on the highway.

Almost the same problem happens with an adult driving with children. Attention is at the lowest when load voices replace your radio speakers.

Second risk is a bad shape car. Everyone has seen loose muffler or bad car suspension without mentionning bad brakes or tires.

The best way is to observe move of others and stay away. Take extra minutes to go to your destination but arrive safe!

Are your car in the blue book? Yes,it is in...

Hum! it could be worst!

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